eco loon

2723 days ago

Things the BBC won't tell you - Greenland is seeing record ice growth as temperatures plunge

The eco-loon climate change fanatics at the BBC are on a roll with the statement that the world's temperature in 2016 will be "the warmest since records began." In fact they are on such a roll they are again talking about global warming rather than climate change. But as they, again, warn that the arctic ice is disappearing there are a few inconvenient truths.

Of course "since records began" is not very long on a global scale and it is clear that the world in 2016 will be a lot cooler than it was during the medieval warm period which was before coal fired power stations. On that basis can anyone still demonstrate beyond doubt that we are seeing "man made climate change".

But there are other problems. Here are two charts.


4164 days ago

Doha Tweets and King Eco Loon and Parasite Peter Coville

I tweeted out a link to an article the other day with #Doha in its title. That is where al sorts of self important NGO and political scumbags are meeting to discuss how after 16 years of global cooling they are going to spend gazillions of pounds of taxpayers cash to stop global warming. Hey presto something called #Doha immediately retweeted me to its 111 followers.

You have to be a prize global warming nutter to sign up to receive some of the 6,600 tweets emitted by this beastie. But if you want to the 111 eco-loons who do indeed follower #Doha might I suggest tweeting out #Doha global warming is a con or #Doha you can stick Michael Mann’s fraudulent hockey stick where the sun don’t shine, etc, etc.

So who are these eco-loons who want to receive these great pearls of #Doha wisdom? One grabbed my eye: @Petercoville “Philosophy teacher, climate activist, London occupier.” His twitter feed is a scream – a triumph of deluded lefty garbage.
